
As a council we are successfully lifting our city's reputation. We must continue to invest in city improvements, while sensibly monitoring our debt levels. Our portfolio structure allows us to communicate and listen to your views.

As your representative I am committed to all of these and passionate about cleaner lakes and inner city revitalisation. This includes safer cycling, city art and public-private partnerships with iwi investment.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


[An abbreviated report about the New Zealand Planning Institute Annual Conference that I attended in May this year]

Ken Tremaine contended that central government remains in silos. He lamented that we never do enough global comparisons nor steal enough good ideas from others. 

NZ needs to rise above the “we have no money therefore can’t think.” mentality that pervades decision-making.  Central Government has the best intentions yet these are based on opinions, not evidence.

Community plans should be at a new neighbourhood level

Neighbourhood plans recognise people are passionate about where they live. It has become important to mobilise this passion for place – to use this force for change.  Planners need to expect the unexpected as communities design what suits them best. 

 Business as usual is untenable

What is required is transitional and even transformative governance.  Our current models simply are not good enough.

We are more than ever building in higher risk environments, basically putting more in harms way.  NZ does great natural hazard research, BUT not enough, not consistent and not up to date.

Communicating risk:  What does a 1 in a 100-year event really mean? Risks change over time.  No one else in the world has land insurance.  NZ is the 2nd most insured country in the world. Christchurch has changed the landscape of insurance.

We need to identify who pays, how and when.  At what stage do we learn to live with risk?

The way forward:  Don’t allow development in the wrong place and don’t allow intensification of development that is in the wrong place. 

Collaboration and communication are increasingly important.  Local politicians need to be involved with people on the ground.

CBD is becoming an out of date term, we need to rename our Inner City. 

In an age of out of town malls and internet shopping we need to ask ourselves "what are town centres for?" 

Can or should they be dominated by shopping or should they re-imagine themselves to serve a cultural, entertainment and social purpose?

There will be a reduction of space required for retail in cities. (UK retail space down 27% in the past few years, now residential.)

It is a citizenship model not a customer model.  We must raise expectations of our inner city spaces.  We have plenty, there is just nothing to do or see in these places.

There is NO silver bullet. Retail is no longer driven by profit and price now experience and service.

 All roads lead to roads
We have given the design of our cities to traffic engineers, who have no idea they are responsible for it.

We need to ‘put roads on a diet’. Provide for more cycling. 

Copenhagen, Vancouver.  These cities have proven that if you build safe cycle lanes they will be used.  It’s about amenity not the weather.  

 A lot of people are trying to cling to an old way of life, trying to solve 2013 problems with solutions based in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

Papa Pounamu the Principles of Co- Management.

Benefits of co-management can be quicker and cheaper.  Moving away from litigation to more collaboration. Iwi have a desire to be more proactive and less reactive.  Iwi want to be at the table not just ‘consulted’.

Consultation = informing, telling it how it is.  This is no longer good enough. Communities are asking for more involvement earlier. 


I enjoyed the conference and the key themes addressed. 

  • ·         Change is happening; we must look forward for solutions and stop hanging on to the past.
  • ·         Stop putting homes in harms way, as insurance may be harder to get if we do.
  • ·         Communities want to co-create not just be consulted, neighbourhoods rule!
  • ·         Share our data, really work collaboratively towards a common goal.
  • ·         Put roads on a diet, in and around cities.
  • ·         Cycling is here to stay and the first cities that really embrace inner city cycling and prioritize it will be those that thrive and grow.

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