
As a council we are successfully lifting our city's reputation. We must continue to invest in city improvements, while sensibly monitoring our debt levels. Our portfolio structure allows us to communicate and listen to your views.

As your representative I am committed to all of these and passionate about cleaner lakes and inner city revitalisation. This includes safer cycling, city art and public-private partnerships with iwi investment.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

No Bins In Sight, More Of The Same Planned

The final debate was held today to determine what, if any changes are to be made towards reducing the amount of our waste that goes to landfill.

Yes you guessed it.  A vote of 7 to 5 has given us more of the same.

Sadly, the goal of decreasing the volume of domestic waste sent to landfill was over-shadowed by issues that other communities have managed to get their heads around. RDC will not be offering kerbside recycling to our community.

The in-town facility will be enlarged and a satellite station will be provided at Ngongotaha. Good news for Ngongotaha and Kaharoa residents. Not such good news for those that can’t or won’t go to either of these places.

While the  planned improvements should make my visits there more pleasant, I doubt it will encourage anyone who doesn’t already recycle to start now.

 I sincerely thank all of you for your submissions on this issue and I don’t for a minute believe this is the last time we will debate this in our community.




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