
As a council we are successfully lifting our city's reputation. We must continue to invest in city improvements, while sensibly monitoring our debt levels. Our portfolio structure allows us to communicate and listen to your views.

As your representative I am committed to all of these and passionate about cleaner lakes and inner city revitalisation. This includes safer cycling, city art and public-private partnerships with iwi investment.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Community Restoration

Last night at Green Drinks a small crowd was updated on  the grass roots community gardens project led by Denise La Grouw.  Now Denise is quick to point out that she is just part of a team, however success stories like this always have someone with vision and passion driving them. After a number of years this group of dedicated volunteers has established the Hannah’s Bay Community Restoration Trust.  Their vision: building communities that work together holistically.

Already  through word of mouth a large number of schools have taken part, learning how to plant seeds, build gardens and work collectively. All of the gardens are made from recycled objects. From old tires to broken wooden pallets, discarded objects find a second and third use. Both local and regional councils have been helpful, as have the Periodic Detention crews assisting in the heavier work required.

The establishment of the trust has enabled the group to seek funding as the demand for community involvement in everyone's own neighborhood is increasing.  If you have not seen what is happening down there, take a walk around the Hannah's Bay Reserve and if you are interested in assisting or making a donation to the trust see contact details below.

Denise La Grouw
Hannah’s Bay Community Restoration Trust (charitable status)
34 Willow Avenue
Hannah's Bay
Ph (07) 345-5592

Bank account details:  Kiwibank 389010-034530-00

Quotes from Denise … what is important is that we develop caring communities – you only love what you know and you only protect what you love.  Kei te pai … all you can do is keep moving forward with a passion for engaging whole communities in feeling a sense of guardianship for the planet that we share – our home.

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