
As a council we are successfully lifting our city's reputation. We must continue to invest in city improvements, while sensibly monitoring our debt levels. Our portfolio structure allows us to communicate and listen to your views.

As your representative I am committed to all of these and passionate about cleaner lakes and inner city revitalisation. This includes safer cycling, city art and public-private partnerships with iwi investment.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Do You Think It Suits Me?

Some of those big corflute “canvasses” are just too hard for some budding artists to resist!

I acquired some pretty wild facial hair out at Ngongotaha in the last couple of days, but to complete the look I think I should have a cavalier hat, beauty spot on my cheek and a rapier strapped to my hip.

Time is running out for all you Da Vincis out there.  They all come down on Friday with the election results being announced on Saturday afternoon.

If you haven’t voted yet, you’re also running out of time.  Voting papers should go into the post by Wednesday this week or can be hand delivered to the Council Chambers before 12 noon on Saturday 9th October.

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